A Day In The Life...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Thundercats Ho!

With an epic trip to Tahoe with 40+ of my favorite Sierra Camp friends, I'm not sure you can go wrong. The trip started out with a 5 am wake-up and subsequent flight to Reno, followed by a bus ride to South Lake (instead of paying the $25 for the shuttle, we jumped onto some Fresno Tour Group bus that was heading that way. We played it cool, and acted like we knew what we were doing, but we were way out of the demographics and it was obvious we were imposters. Everyone was in their 40's or older, and every man had a well manicured mustashe. Nonetheless, we chatted them up and nobody minded us taking a free ride).

After getting to South Lake and having lunch, we met up with Carly, Chuck, B-Hyde, and Trainer to walk in Sierra Camp on Fallen Leaf Lake in the snow to retrieve the coveted knee board and long rope. After successful recovery followed by epic riding of said kneeboard, we went back to the cabin and hung out with the rest of camp. That night we went to the Casinos and danced the night away in Cabo Wabo Club. I, for some reason, elected to wear a pony costume (which by the way, the lizadies loved).

The following day Chris and I recovered from the night on the ski slope (although our wallet may never recover from the $73 lift ticket! WTF?). We ate ribs at Womacks.
Womack! You pice of shit. Why am I not Surprised?
-Sean Connery in THE ROCK
The party at the cabin that night consisted of intro skits, mystery guests, and a faculty speaker. I am proud to say this was a WEST COAST CUSTOMS FIRST!


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