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I spent my spring break for a week straight in Yosemite at my cabin in Wawona... I don' t have a single photo to share, but nonetheless have to say it was incredibly relaxing and a break from all the class work & memorizing that is going on in San Diego for me. 
Other updates, the Border Health Project had a wonderful Cesar Chavez celebration at UCSD. There was a documentary made about the immigrants' makeshift dwelling in deer canyon (which abuts million-dollar properties and developments). Which is where we have been going with the Border Health Project (Doctors, med-students, undergrads, community members) to give free health care, screening, and food/clothing/supplies donations. Unfortunately, I also found out that their make-shift houses, built from scrap wood and tarps, had been torn down by the surrounding land owners... as well as their church.
Lastly, I went to the MAN MAN concert at the San Diego Epicenter with Chris and Andy,
and I can't tell you how amazing it was. Best show I've seen in years. They are a band you really should give a chance--I say give a chance because they are not your typical band. They make carnival-esque music with a dark twist, filled with delightful antics, well-composed anomalous noises and beats, their fair share of shrill screams, gibbrish, & high toned whining. They have a seemingly unlimited toolbox of instruments which they pullout at random, but appropriate times within the show. They also flow well with each other, rotating around the stage and playing each other's instruments from song to song... oh and perhaps 3 seconds elapse between each heart-racing, high-energy song. They seem to give a beautiful insight into group psychosis. The whole show was incredibly cathartic, and we left exhausted, but invigorated.

Other updates, the Border Health Project had a wonderful Cesar Chavez celebration at UCSD. There was a documentary made about the immigrants' makeshift dwelling in deer canyon (which abuts million-dollar properties and developments). Which is where we have been going with the Border Health Project (Doctors, med-students, undergrads, community members) to give free health care, screening, and food/clothing/supplies donations. Unfortunately, I also found out that their make-shift houses, built from scrap wood and tarps, had been torn down by the surrounding land owners... as well as their church.
Lastly, I went to the MAN MAN concert at the San Diego Epicenter with Chris and Andy,

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