A Day In The Life...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Lazy Sunday

Pretty awesome way to start a Sunday includes the following:
1) A bike ride up to Torrey Pines State Park
2) Trail running to "Razor Point" to watch a school of dolphins playing in the surf
3) A bike ride home along Torrey Pines Golf Course which just so happened to be hosting the PGA's Buick Invitational and seeing Tiger Woods Practice beforehand
4) Taking a spill on my bike (this was not actually awesome, but it happened so I'm not going to lie about it)
5) Getting back by 10 AM and eating delicious waffles, eggs, bacon, and tater totts

Yeah, I saw Tiger.


  • umm, we should probably hang out ,seeing as how you like to eat tater tots. and the whole thing about you being in SD and me living in LA. can we make it happen?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:00 PM  

  • oh oh, tell um about the bird, tell um bout the bird

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:21 PM  

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