As I begin to study for my finals (one down-- Espanol-- that wasn't so bad... just 5 more to go), I am reminded of the first week of class that seems like so long ago. I was in lecture that first week sitting there trying to take notes and absorb the informations being thrown at me. I was swimming, not knowing up from down or alpha-ketogluterate from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. So I pulled out my computer in search of a digital santuary. Dr. Taylor was lecturing... She crystalized PKA, and you better be damn sure that we learned every intricate part of that pathway, as well as how important they are. If her lectures were any more boring I would have gouged out my eyes long ago, and if her slides were any less coherent I would have given up after day two... So I began to doodle and came up this rendition.
As I study for finals, I like to think back at where I was back then and how overwhelmed I felt, and now I feel like I'm actually getting it. Although I'm behind in just about every class, but easy does it and I'll get there. Wish me luck...
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