An eventful day to say the least... A renal final from the infamous Renal Wrangler, which veritably kicked my ass. Next I was having lunch in Club Med with my Faculty Advisor (an internal med doc.) when suddenly a man runs in asking, "Is there a doctor here, a woman's choking!" Quickly Dr. Goldberg jumped up to his feet, running to help the woman. She was wheezing and clearly having a hell of an awful time trying to get air. He positioned himself and gave her one big upward thrust of the Heimlich Maneuver. The woman continued to choke, so another thrust. Still nothing. Then one final big bear hug of a thrust and the woman began to cough and gasp air. I didn't see any food come out, so I'm not sure exactly what happened, but regardless the woman was now breathing. As she was recovering I ran to the soda machine and brought her a glass of water. I guess it's fitting... "Quick someone get a doctor, this woman's Choking!" should be followed by "Quick someone find a med student! This woman was saved and now she needs some water!" It just doesn't have the same ring... and chicks don't find it quite as heroic. I felt like I could have helped her, but really my place is set as the lackey waterboy.
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