A Day In The Life...

Monday, October 09, 2006

New Things

Several New things have happend...

1) New look [Mullet with Bilateral Lightning],
2) New toy [The D.P Catamaran],
3) New cousin [Jean-Marc Kanaan].

I couldn't be happier, aside from the new material i'll be studying for the upcoming test.

Maiden Voyage 005.jpg
Originally uploaded by kanaanical.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by kanaan2.
I must be taking crazy pills... I don't really know what inspired this. Snoop dogg perhaps? well not really. just some idle hands as I was studing and soon enough it was this. Long hair can annoy the hell out of you... brushing your teeth, eating, drinking out of cups, and seeing in general all become difficult when your own hair betrays the unspoken code that once was obeyed back when said hair was shorter. Anyway, now its all tied up in braids... that is all.

. . . . . . "The best is when a synonym becomes a homonym"