Napa Times

After a wonderful Thankgiving with my family, I headed up to Palo Alto for a night and had an amazing time with the likes of Carly, Alan, & Katie (former SSC-ers) among others. This was a brief stop en route to the lush land of wine and more wine.
I made it to Loren Trefethen's Vineyard just in time to fix the Mule (a suped up gas powered golf cart) and go shoot some guns at pumpkins & targets. This was thouroughly fun. Ambert's brother came with a gun holster, kevlar, and magazines packed with home-made bullets. Yeah, I know.
Later we had post-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner and all the most delectible wines you could imagine. I'm not messing around here. We had Trefethen and a whole host of other amazing wines. We even had a wine made for Loren's High School. But the wine that took the cake and stopped the show was the Magnum of 1995 Cabernet Souvingnon Screaming Eagle. If you don't know the buzz about this wine, look it up on froogle or something. Yeah, I know.
Needless to say, I owe Loren and his family much more than a thank you.