I started the day with a bit of studying and then Kyoko (Chris' friend) came and took us to this dope dim sum place in Clairmont Mesa. The trip had such highlights as...
Chris: "Kyoko watch out there is a car coming"
Kyoko: "sorry--Asain girl"
Me: uncontrolable laughter from the back seat
Later we found ourselves at the resteraunt bringing the white person count up by 200%. Lunch was great, then we headed back for some more finals cramming. I met up with Fonz and Hornbeak later for some hottubbing and general chilling (but Fonz's stomach had other plans and he ended up booting in the corner of the back yard... yikes)
In other related news, the Aquaporins (our Med school innertube water polo team) advance past the 1st round of finals. Here is a quick recap:
In one of our most stunning performances yet, the Aquaporins outshot, outplayed, outmuscled, and outclassed their opponents yet again. The match was nothing short of amazing. We played the whole game one man down giving the opponents incredible advantages on offense and defence. Huge props to Kari for being the rookie of the year with her first appearance at the pool being one of absolute dominance. Chester rocked the pool with some sick defence and an amazing counterattack. Kevin's arm was an unstopable rocket, nay make that a laser guided misile, and always found a way to get open. Ben was animalistic in the goal, stretching to block all four corners of the cage and even dunking oponents with is might. He even scored (claiming two points) from his position in the goal! Kayla was outstanding and an offensive force to recon with. She fired a shot around her defence and bunny-eared the unsuspecting goalie for two points. Needless to say the aquaporins may not be able to perscribe you drugs, but the sure as hell can make you want them.
Anyway thats all for now.