A great concert from the Kite Flying Society

last night at the Casbah in San Diego. I really didn't know what to expect.

Going in I had heard a few demo songs and liked their upbeat and mellow feel... a bit remniscent of the Strokes and the Shins and even a bit of some old school the Beach Boys (a little bit).

They have a bit of a folk feel to them as well, perhaps because of their fiddle or maybe the plaid and happy demeanor.

I was surprised at the range of people in the band, certainly an eclectic group.

Derek was rocking the Glockenspeils, as well as the piano guitar, keyboard, and it looked like he was mixing effects from his computer as well.

I was surprised to see the violinist let it rip with her bow, and the keyboardist had something about her that was... intriguing.

Kinda like a girl who is shy but has a twinkle in her eye, or a pianist who is holding back just a bit.

The vocals were great and I had a great time listening to these guys. They looked like they were having as much fun as we were... also great cover of "Friends of P!" This is a band well worth checkng out!

They finished with 6000 Shipwrecks, which rocked. They are apparently putting together an album. I hope to see them and hear them on the radio in the future... Check out their site:
Kite flying Society